Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Margaret Atwood- Moral Disorder

Over the span of the many interrelated short stories written in Moral Disorder we will in general discover numerous thing about the principle characters. Somehow or another the peruser builds up a kind of one on one relationship with each character, and finds out increasingly more about them in every story. In particular, one of the principle characters who will in general hang out in the storyline as an individual with a kind of secretive character is Tig. Tigs baffling character is enlivened for the most part in the story â€Å"Monopoly†. At the point when we first observe Tig in the start of â€Å"monopoly†, he and Nell just bought an old homestead house where they plan on living. As time advances all through the storyline, we find out about Tigs kids and how they plan on visiting the new ranch house. With this point it raises musings about Tigs old union with Oona. We currently discover that the motivation behind why Tig and Oona separated was not a direct result of Oona, however both of them as an opening. It offers insite to their bombed marriage with the way that OOna would give her all out life’s consideration at her composition, and leave Tig to deal with the kids and the house totally alone. Despite the fact that to the open eye Tig and Oona’s relationship must be portrayed as great, clearly where it counts being hitched to Oona was cutting him down. They were frequently observed together in magazines and in photo’s grinning as though they had not a consideration on the planet, however as per Tig this was the uttermost thing from reality. Both of them together attempted to show the feeling of adoration and security to the open that the two of them longed for. They regularly showed up in magazines cooking and chuckling together, yet once the camera’s quit moving things turned around how they typically where. Oona would be off attempting to complete her book, and Tig would be left with dealing with the youngsters and the family tasks all while working at a radio broadcast. As time advanced after the separation Tig and Nell chose to lease an old ranch house. We presently get some answers concerning another secretive piece of Tig’s life, his children. Once Tig and Nell moved into their homestead house, Tig’s youngsters stayed with consistently. In this way, consistently Nell would need to get together the entirety of her things and go out before Tig’s youngsters showed up. Tig made a decent attempt so as to make his youngsters realize that the motivation behind why he and their mom separated was not a result of Nell, and that he Oona still were friendly. This shed knowledge into Tig job as a dad. Despite the fact that Tig for the most part doesn’t like to talk about his past marriage with Oona, he ensures that his kids are not influenced by the separation. Consistently that they would visit, he would attempt to make a carefree domain at the ranch house all together for his youngsters to be cheerful. Before this we never observed Tig as a very remarkable family man. Cases, for example, Tig’s youngsters visiting shed light on another character that we never thought about Tig. After Tigs kids leave, and Nell gets back things begin to return to typical. Nell and Tig appear to be very cheerful living respectively, which fills in as a direct inverse to his relationship with Oona. Nell talks about the Sunday evenings they spend together once Tig’s youngsters leave, and the time they spend attempting to get up the large slope before the property throughout the winter months. In spite of the fact that the a portion of the things they did together were straightforward, clearly it implied something to Nell. Tig and Oona would sit together during the ride home peacefully more often than not, however the quietness they shared certainly implied something. During these occasions it turned out to be certain that the explanation that Nell and Tig were together was a result of Oona. Not long after Oona completed her book, she and Tig welcomed Nell over for an evening gathering at her home. The evening gathering turned out a triumph, and Nell wound up remaining later than the various visitors to play a round of imposing business model with Tig’s kids. The night was loaded with giggles and the discussion during supper appeared as though it were to never end. Nell later observed that that evening gathering was not a commonplace evening gathering, however a greater amount of a meeting that would later wide up with her being involved with Tig. Sooner or later life for Nell and Tig began to develop into a kind of routine were Nell would remain at the ranch house during the week, at that point out of nowhere vanish and shroud all hints of her reality. Be that as it may, one end of the week this was going to change. Tig’s baffling character became an integral factor again when he revealed to Nell that he needed her to remain at the ranch house the up and coming end of the week when his youngsters dropped by. This came as a total stun to Nell in light of the fact that she never expected Tig to carry the circumstance up with her since he was generally so peaceful and to himself about the circumstance. In any case Nell from the start was amazingly against this thought reasoning that she would â€Å"be crossing the line†. In any case, Tig guaranteed her that it would be best for the youngsters to see her in her indigenous habitat and her home. Tig clandestinely addressed his kids and to Oona about the circumstance and they all concurred that it would be a smart thought for Nell to remain an end of the week with the kids when they dropped by.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Succubus Heat CHAPTER 1

Laying down with my specialist was a poorly conceived notion. I knew it as well, yet I couldn't generally support it. There were just so often I could hear â€Å"Why don't you clarify that† and â€Å"Tell me how you feel.† So, I at long last snapped and chose to show the person how I felt. I've gotta state, for a not too bad person who had never undermined his significant other, he wasn't that difficult to exploit. What's more, by â€Å"not hard,† I mean â€Å"ridiculously easy.† His pseudo ethics gave me a solid succubus vitality fix, and when you consider that what we did was presumably the most beneficial thing that at any point occurred on his love seat, it was practically similar to I carried out something worth being thankful for. All things considered, I realized my manager would have been pissed, seeing as he was the one who'd requested me to look for guiding in any case. â€Å"Do not disclose to Jerome,† I cautioned my companions, tapping my cigarette against the ashtray. â€Å"I would prefer not to manage that sort of fallout.† My companions and I were sitting at a corner in Cold July, a mechanical club down in Seattle's Belltown area. The spot was dull and boisterous, with confusing funnels on the dividers and roof framing the main part of the d?â ¦cor. Since it was an exclusive hangout, it didn't need to stick to the city's open smoking boycott, which was an advantage for me. Over the most recent couple of months, I'd discovered nicotine was one of the fundamental things helping me adapt. Different things on the fundamental rundown: vodka, Nine Inch Nails, a consistent gracefully of good men, and a universally handy disagreeable disposition. â€Å"Look, Georgina,† said my companion Hugh. He was a devil, a sort of horrendous lawful partner who purchased spirits for our lords and did arranged center administration errands. He had dim trimmed hair and was huge without being fat. â€Å"I'm no master in emotional well-being, however I will put it all out there here and state that most likely was certifiably not an accommodating advance making progress toward healing.† I shrugged and let my eyes examine the jam-packed space for potential casualties. There were some entirely acceptable pickings here. â€Å"Well, he wasn't excessively acceptable. At treatment, I mean. Additionally, I don't think I need it anymore.† Quiet met me, in light of the fact that quietness could meet me in a spot so loud. I turned around to my companions. Hugh was making no falsification of concealing his you're screwing insane look. Our vampire companions, Peter and Cody, in any event had the respectability to turn away their eyes. I limited mine and put out the cigarette. â€Å"I don't suppose,† said Peter finally, â€Å"that this is anyone you'd perhaps, uh, as to date long term?† â€Å"Yeah,† concurred Cody, eyes wide and cheerful. â€Å"I wager a specialist would be an incredible audience. Furthermore, you wouldn't need to pay for it.† â€Å"My protection pays for it,† I snapped. â€Å"And I don't generally value your uninvolved forceful mentality about my boyfriend.† â€Å"It's not that passive,† said Hugh. â€Å"You could improve, sweetie.† â€Å"The fellow's degenerate and going to Hell. How is this an issue for you? What's more, you didn't care for my last sweetheart either. Perhaps you should quit stressing over my affection life and return to making sense of how to get your most recent secretary into bed.† In what must be an abnormal spot of the universe, none of my companions preferred my present sweetheart, a dim performer named Dante. Dante's ethics were truly nonexistent, and he possessed stock in harshness and criticism. That would make you think he'd fit in superbly with this gathering of accursed spirits, however out of the blue, he didn't. â€Å"You aren't intended to be with somebody bad,† said Cody. We were all eternal currently however were considered â€Å"lesser immortals.† That implied we had once been human before selling our spirits into Hell's administration. Cody was youthful contrasted with all of us in our little circle. Hugh asserted very nearly a century. Subside and I had centuries. All things considered, there was very nearly a naã ¯vet?â ¦ about Cody, a beguiling optimism that equaled the caring I used to have. It had been broken when my past sweetheart, a human named Seth, had left me for a companion of mine. Seth was a decent soul, calm and limitlessly kind. He'd caused me to have confidence in better things, similar to that possibly there was promise for a succubus like me. I'd thought I was enamored no, I had been infatuated. Indeed, even I could concede that. Be that as it may, as a succubus, I carried a risky component to any relationship. At the point when I engaged in sexual relations with a person (or a young lady it worked in any case), I took their life vitality, which was the force that energized each human spirit. It kept me alive and supported my undying presence. The cleaner the person, the more vitality I took. The more vitality I took, the more I abbreviated his life. With Dante, I had basically no impact. He had little vitality to give, so our sexual coexistence was generally â€Å"safe,† and I along these lines looked for my fixes from negligible folks as an aftert hought. With Seth†¦well, that had been an alternate story. Laying down with him would have had extremely hindering impacts so I'd wouldn't do it. For some time, we'd lived on affection alone, our relationship being about much in excess of a physical demonstration. After some time, in any case, that had caused significant damage, as had various basic relationship difficulties. Things had at last exploded when Seth had laid down with my companion Maddie. I figure he'd done it to urge me to separate, wanting to save me future agony. Whatever the underlying aim, he and Maddie had really proceeded to build up a genuinely genuine relationship in the next months. I hadn't taken that quite well. â€Å"There's no satisfying you guys,† I snarled, coaxing the server for another beverage. He overlooked me, aggravating me further. â€Å"You don't care for good ones. You don't care for awful ones. What the heck does it take?† Another voice unexpectedly cut into our circle. â€Å"Please reveal to me we're talking about your sentimental hijinks, Georgie. There's nothing I appreciate more.† There he was, remaining adjacent to our table: my manager Jerome, archdemon of Seattle and its more prominent metropolitan region. I glared. I didn't value the deriding tone-or him calling me Georgie. He plunked down next to Hugh, and the server I'd been attempting to call run over right away. We requested another round of beverages. Jerome was unmistakably feeling acceptable today, which consistently made our lives simpler. He had on a dark architect suit, and his hair was styled precisely equivalent to John Cusack's had been in an ongoing TV talk with I viewed. That most likely bears referencing: Jerome's human collection of decision was a clone of John Cusack. Succubi can change shape since that is a piece of what causes us with temptation. Evil spirits can change shape just on the grounds that like holy messengers they're madly ground-breaking creatures who have been around since the get-go. They're â€Å"greater immortals.† Because of an odd fan fixation that he unyieldingly denied, Jerome decided to communicate in the human world resembling the entertainer. The peculiar thing was that when we were out this way, people never appeared to see the likeness. â€Å"You haven't been out with us in a while,† I called attention to, planning to change the subject. â€Å"I thought you've been occupied with evil spirit stuff.† Rumor had it that Jerome was fighting with another devil, however none of us knew the subtleties. He removed one of my cigarettes from the pack without inquiring. After a second, the finish of the cigarette lit all alone. Hotshot. â€Å"Things have really taken a lovely turn,† he said. He breathed in profoundly and afterward let the smoke whirl around him. â€Å"One less thing to manage. I'd trusted the unending jabbering about your sentimental troubles was likewise leaving, however I guess that is an excessive amount to seek after. Are you still with that charlatan?† I surrendered. â€Å"Why does everybody loathe Dante? You all ought to hold onto him as a brother.† Jerome considered, dull eyes insightful. â€Å"He pesters me. You can do better.† â€Å"Jesus Christ,† I said. â€Å"Maybe she'd see that in the event that she'd quit doing dumb crap like laying down with her therapist,† noted Hugh, in what was obviously expected to be a useful tone. I turned on him, eyes wide. â€Å"Did you tune in to anything I just said?† â€Å"Plenty,† he said. In the mean time, Jerome's apathetic, satisfied articulation vanished. He fixed his look on me, eyes consuming like fire yet mysteriously causing me to feel cold everywhere. He crushed the cigarette out and shot up from his seat. Getting my arm, he twitched me up from my own spot and began hauling me from the table. â€Å"Come with me,† he murmured. I staggered with him out to the lobby that prompted the bathrooms. Once out of seeing others, he pushed me against a divider and inclined toward me, face loaded up with fierceness. It was an indication of his disturbance that he was acting like a human. He could have just moved the two of us to some detached spot. â€Å"You screwed your therapist?† he shouted. I swallowed. â€Å"I wasn't making much progress.† â€Å"Georgie!† â€Å"Why is this an issue? He was a decent soul. I felt that was what you needed me to do!† â€Å"I needed you to get this screwing chip off your shoulder that you've had since the time that exhausting human dumped you.† I jumped. It was somewhat of a bizarre thing. I'd been so discouraged after the Seth separation that Jerome had at last flipped out and instructed me to go look for help since he was sick of tuning in to me â€Å"bitch and moan.† The weirdness of a devil empowering directing for one of his workers wasn't lost on me. However, truly, how might he get it? How might he comprehend what it resembled to have your heart crushed? To be torn from the individual you adored most on the planet? My entire presence had lost significance, and time everlasting had appeared to be difficult to endure. For a considerable length of time, I wouldn't go out or talk a lot to anyone. I'd segregated myself, lost in my own misery. That was when Jerome had surrendered and requested I wake up. What's more, I had, sort of. I'd swung the other

Friday, August 21, 2020

The summer before applying to graduate school COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog

The summer before applying to graduate school COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog A blog contribution by Megan Tackney, a recent SIPA graduate and former Admissions Program Assistant. (We miss you Megan!) It was just as hot and humid as it is now, maybe even worse. It was the beginning of summer in Washington D.C. and the women of Mintwood Place had decided to go to graduate school. I had lived in D.C. for almost 8 years and worked in advocacy at a women’s legal organization. My roommate was employed at one of the top political consulting firms in the country. Our third roommate, quite coincidentally also named Meaghan (different spelling), had moved out a year ago to go to SIPA, it was her dream school and it was all she talked about. We blame her for the higher education craze that took over our apartment. That summer we began to prepare for the graduate school application period. I collected packets and tracked information sessions for every school I was going to apply to, a total of 7. My roommate had a Volkswagen beetle, which for some reason always smelled like crayons, and we would squeeze ourselves in, and find these events in faraway places without transportation, like Georgetown. I asked co-workers if they knew students or alumni from possible schools and if I could talk to them. I wanted to know what jobs they held now, what the student body was like and if they were regretful of anything, and if so, what?     I tried to imagine my life in every city or in some cases, small towns, which was sometimes just as important as the school’s academic program. In addition to stalking alumni, we also had to take the GRE’s in the Fall. This meant studying and taking a test, something we hadn’t done in quite a while, but we were determined. Step 1 â€" We bought the prep. books. Step 2 â€" We made flash cards. We were going to learn 20 new words a week, which we actually did, in between some DVR sessions. Step 3 â€" We recognized our weaknesses. We tried doing the math practice problems together, but it wasn’t exactly successful. I got a tutor. The schools also demanded essays â€" lots of them. Having the self control to write that many essays is really hard. We identified nights after work where all we would do was write and give the other creative and some terrible ideas on how we could sell ourselves to the top schools in the country. That summer was intense and exciting. It was full of possibilities for the residents of our little apartment. With applications due in January the work continued into the Fall and included the new awkward task of asking for recommendations, which could be a blog post in itself. In the end it was all worth it. We got into every single school we applied to and begrudgingly left each other. That was the last step in the application process, saying goodbye to our old lives and imagining the next. As I graduated last month, this is one step I have unfortunately not yet completed.

The summer before applying to graduate school COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog

The summer before applying to graduate school COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog A blog contribution by Megan Tackney, a recent SIPA graduate and former Admissions Program Assistant. (We miss you Megan!) It was just as hot and humid as it is now, maybe even worse. It was the beginning of summer in Washington D.C. and the women of Mintwood Place had decided to go to graduate school. I had lived in D.C. for almost 8 years and worked in advocacy at a women’s legal organization. My roommate was employed at one of the top political consulting firms in the country. Our third roommate, quite coincidentally also named Meaghan (different spelling), had moved out a year ago to go to SIPA, it was her dream school and it was all she talked about. We blame her for the higher education craze that took over our apartment. That summer we began to prepare for the graduate school application period. I collected packets and tracked information sessions for every school I was going to apply to, a total of 7. My roommate had a Volkswagen beetle, which for some reason always smelled like crayons, and we would squeeze ourselves in, and find these events in faraway places without transportation, like Georgetown. I asked co-workers if they knew students or alumni from possible schools and if I could talk to them. I wanted to know what jobs they held now, what the student body was like and if they were regretful of anything, and if so, what?     I tried to imagine my life in every city or in some cases, small towns, which was sometimes just as important as the school’s academic program. In addition to stalking alumni, we also had to take the GRE’s in the Fall. This meant studying and taking a test, something we hadn’t done in quite a while, but we were determined. Step 1 â€" We bought the prep. books. Step 2 â€" We made flash cards. We were going to learn 20 new words a week, which we actually did, in between some DVR sessions. Step 3 â€" We recognized our weaknesses. We tried doing the math practice problems together, but it wasn’t exactly successful. I got a tutor. The schools also demanded essays â€" lots of them. Having the self control to write that many essays is really hard. We identified nights after work where all we would do was write and give the other creative and some terrible ideas on how we could sell ourselves to the top schools in the country. That summer was intense and exciting. It was full of possibilities for the residents of our little apartment. With applications due in January the work continued into the Fall and included the new awkward task of asking for recommendations, which could be a blog post in itself. In the end it was all worth it. We got into every single school we applied to and begrudgingly left each other. That was the last step in the application process, saying goodbye to our old lives and imagining the next. As I graduated last month, this is one step I have unfortunately not yet completed.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Impact Of Globalisation On Higher Education - 1388 Words

Globalisation is the evolution of society which affect human life, education is one of those, especially in postgraduate degrees which receive the most influence from globalisation. The development in technologies and communication have produced a shift in learning system which affect cultures and national economic growth. Higher education systems has been transformed by globalisation, which is â€Å"the widening, deepening and speeding up of worldwide interconnectedness† (Held et al., 1999, p.14). When examining the impact of globalisation on higher education all over the world, the positive and negative aspects of this phenomenon have been widely mentioned. Some writers argue that globalisation has the destructive effect to the postgraduate system in developing nations and non-English speaking developed nations (Marginson, 2006). Although the downsides of globalisation to higher education remain highly controversial, the occurrence of this phenomenon could significantly enc ourage national universities and governments to develop their standard of higher education which will benefit to students (Damme, 2001). Globalisation could increase cultural exchange and multicultural reality as well. This article sets out to analyse critically the overview of globalisation and how it has valuable effects to higher education in long terms. There are a large number of definitions for â€Å"Globalisation† which could have different meaning for different people. According to Knight (2001), itShow MoreRelatedImpact Of Globalisation On Higher Education940 Words   |  4 Topic: What impacts has Globalisation had on higher education (HE)? A comparative study of Australia and United Kingdom. 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Thursday, May 14, 2020

Responsible Enterprise And How It Effects Almost Every...

1.0 Introduction The aim of this report is to using academic literature examine responsible enterprise and how it effects nearly every business, firstly in this essay the report will begin with an definition on what responsible enterprise is and what it means. Then there will be an analysis of one of the five drivers of responsible enterprise and explain the role in which the government plays a part in boosting responsible enterprise. Finally, this report will conclude with a synthesis of the findings on what constitutes responsible enterprise and the magnitude in which the selected driver and the government play in responsible enterprise. 2.0 Definition The definition of responsible enterprise is somewhat ambiguous as there is contrasting between authors as to what constitutes responsible enterprise. Waddock Rasche (2012:4) suggest that responsible enterprise requires companies to live up to and maintain their integrity in line with that of the societies in which they operate by respecting the natural environment and looking after all stakeholders who are impacted by the business. Due to this, they will prepare their strategies and business practises around these core values. They are responsible transparent and accountable for their impact. This definition focuses on sustainability and continuity while making relationships with all stakeholders involved in the business mutually beneficial. There are many contrasting views about responsible enterprise, Milton FreidmanShow MoreRelatedDeveloping A Small Business For Business Enterprise1653 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction In the century of the IT technology, our team decided to develop a small business to business enterprise, which helps both sides: the retailers and the customers, and plays a linking point between them. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

A Interview On The Interview - 2332 Words

Eighty-six-and-a-half years of age, Caucasian man, â€Å"J.M.† graciously agreed to participate in this aging and systems interview. The interview was conducted in J.M.’s studio room of his home where his life’s work hangs on the walls and books, articles, awards, and family pictures surround him. This studio is also where J.M. spends a substantial amount of time researching different topics of interest on the internet, working on art at his table and sending comical e-mails to his family. He lives in a cozy, eco-friendly, single story home with his companion, my grandmother, and their two rescue dogs. As the interview starts J.M. is smiling, laughing, and making sure his oxygen is on; (he has no lung reserve). J.M. was diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension, emphysema, cardiomyopathy with aortic pulmonic tricuspid, and also suffers with arthritis. He was given six months to live two years ago. J.M. is on a three times a day schedule of multiple medicines and relies on his daily two hour nap to recharge. His breathing significantly limits his activities. He once swam, biked, and walked in one day; now the acts of getting up to plug in his razor and then to sit down, require a significant toll on his strength. J.M. complains of his arms and legs not working as they once did, and pulling muscles in his back more frequently, which at times can be debilitating. J.M. mentions residual damage from a fall years ago from scaffolding eighteen feet high, in which he fell and landed onShow MoreRelatedInterview : Interview And Interview915 Words   |  4 PagesInterview: Mak Recently, I had taken the time to interview Mak. Her full name is Eunice Mak and is a young lady of 26 years living in San Francisco, California with her grandparents, parents, and brother. She graduated from San Francisco State University with a Bachelor of Science in Human Development. 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As the interview startsRead MoreOutline Of A Interview On The Interview848 Words   |  4 PagesHow to succeed on the interview As a famous singer prepares for a huge concert, he/she sees their success, double and triple checks their apparatus, and calms their anxieties by playing their favorite song on their iPod. It might not be this stressful of an emotion while preparing for a job interview, but preparing mentally and physically is a significant element that plays a important role in getting the job and successes that we try for. Interview can indeed be stressful, especially if we haveRead MoreInterview On The Interview Session941 Words   |  4 Pages Introduction The interview session is conducted face-to-face at home. At first, interviewing this individual was very difficult because of the personal relationship we share. Due to our goofy characteristics and light nature of our relationship, it was hard to be serious to conduct the standard interview and stick to the objective. 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